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  • Writer's pictureMike Piddock

A spirit of sustainability: Russ Wakeham from Two Drifters Distillery

Updated: Nov 30, 2023

In the heart of Devon, just outside Exeter, lies Two Drifters Distillery, where Russ Wakeham and his team create rum from scratch. Unlike many British rum distilleries that source their product elsewhere, Two Drifters focuses on producing an authentic British rum, leading with their unique distilling process and unwavering commitment to environmental sustainability.

Russ, with a background in chemistry, champions a carbon-negative ethos, a value that is deeply ingrained in Two Drifters' operations. He shares,

"There's no point having any kind of sustainable agenda with a bad product, right?"

This philosophy underscores their approach of prioritising quality alongside their environmental commitments.

The distillery undertook the challenge of not just creating exceptional rum but also reducing their carbon footprint. They meticulously calculated emissions associated with their production, engaging in partnerships to offset these emissions. Collaborating with Climeworks, they convert CO2 into stone, ensuring a measurable and impactful carbon-negative footprint.

Their sustainability journey didn't stop there. Russ explains that entering the B Corp certification process initially seemed straightforward due to their robust sustainability practices. However, they quickly realised that sustainability was just one aspect. The B Corp framework challenged them to focus on workers, community, governance, and a holistic approach to sustainability.

Two Drifters and GoodFX

Russ discovered GoodFX at a panel event discussing B Corp journeys. Choosing a partner aligned with their values was crucial. GoodFX's ethical approach and commitment to better alternatives resonated deeply with Two Drifters, steering them away from conventional banking institutions with contrasting principles.

Their experience with GoodFX has been exemplary, characterised by responsive support and transparent processes. Russ appreciates not only the seamless transactions but also the updates highlighting the charities supported through their partnership.

B Corp and beyond

Russ envisions the potential of the B Corp community, emphasising the power of like-minded individuals and businesses collaborating for a greater cause. He foresees a time when the collective voice of B Corps influences substantial change, perhaps even in government policies.

A Christmas tip-ple?

For those seeking sustainable gift options, Russ recommends Two Drifters' rum packs - a thoughtful choice embodying sustainability from FSC-certified packaging to a carbon-negative footprint.


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